Thursday, April 26, 2012


The boys and I have been traveling lots recently!!! After we got home from a wonderful (and yet very sun burnt) week in Turkey we taught for 4 days and then had teacher conferences. It was a pleasant day in our classroom. All of our conferences were very positive and all of the parents left always have to keep the people happy :)
Last weekend we jumped on an airplane and headed to Oslo, the capital of Norway. Paul has a good friend who is living there and he was nice enough to let us stay with him! We toured the city, watched plenty of European Football and tryed some of the local beer selection, of course!!!
We arrived home on Monday evening and went straight to bed as the day ahead of us was a BIG one!!!
Michael and I, with our cooperating teachers (the amazing Monica and Carol) took our two classes to the Speyer Sea Life Aquarium. Monica had everything planned to a "T" but it was still a big day! We didn't want Paul to miss out on the "fun" so we drug him along to chaperone some of our special friends :)
We made it home without anyone falling in a fish tank or being lost on the way!!!...huge accomplishment with our class!
We've got busy things going on at school this week and the weekend has more in store! Paul and I are going to Paris on a bus...only a 9 hour bus biggey! While Michael is running the Heidelberg half of luck to the boy!!!
Only two more days of teaching the firsties :( Its quite sad actually...I'm really not ready to come home quite yet.
See you all soon though!!! Its been amazing and something I will never forget.
Thank you so much to everyone who I've met in Deutschland! I will miss you all dearly!
Thanks for making this my home!!!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Break!!

I honestly was unsure that I would make it to this day! Finishing up the TPA was nearly the death of shouldn't have been but it was just so difficult to stay in and work when there was warm German sun shining through the window! But, I FINISHED, finally so that is a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders.
Today was a teacher work day at PHES. It is so weird to walk around school on days like these. A little bittersweet I would say. The peace a quiet was much appreciated but I do miss those little people.
Carol and I got right to work at school today. We put our sign on the door that says its difficult for us to focus so we need people to come back later to chat. It worked well again this time! (It was our second use) I am teaching and planning the last two weeks that I am in Germany so I got the majority of that planned and ready to go. We will be learning about plants, growing plants for mother's day, making crafts, reading lots, practicing for our class' spring music performance, learning all about sea life and heading to the Sea Life aquarium in a neighboring town. Its going to be a whirl wind last two weeks!!! The fact that the time will fly by will make me sad. I've made such amazing friends, mentors and hopefully colleagues, some day. It will be difficult to say goodbye to this place. But all good things must come to an end...I guess. I'm certain I will return some day. And now that my TPA is finished I can focus on my DoDDS application and searching for jobs in the states as well.
We are heading to the Turkish rivera in the morning! A week at an all inclusive resort, beach side is exactly what I need right about now! Pictures will be included soon.
Here's to an endless supply of food and drinks for the next week :) Next time you hear from me I will be so fat and happy!!!