Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fortune Cookie

So today Carol pulled some fortune cookies out from our Chinese New Year party for another first grade teacher and I to eat. They instantly cracked open their cookies and began to read their fortune. Carols was about how she is going to make it big in show business one day. If you knew her you know that this will probably occur because she is so hilarious! Danielle (the other first grade teacher) read hers and it was something that was extremely fitting to her as well. Then came mine...or lack there of.
I just pause the story to tell you that I wasn't having a very good day to begin with. I was tired because I hadn't slept well. A few of our kids were acting like zoo animals that morning. Literally we were in the middle of a monkey exhibit. And I was a little homesick--just enough that a chat with Lori makes it go away but none the less...homesick.
So there I sit, no fortune. My cookie is completely empty. Carol turns to me and asks what mine says. I said, "nothing." She instantly started laughing, "You mean it the paper literally says nothing." She didn't quite understand. There was NO paper!
I was a little upset. Which normally something like this wouldn't upset me but I was looking for some sort of guidance to get me through the rest of my day even if it came from a cookie!
As we walked up the stair to pickup our kids from art I was munching on my fortune cookie I realized something. This was the exact guidance that I needed.
I didn't need to listen to a cookie! I needed to create my own fortune. I need to work hard and develop extreme patience in my job. I need to be thankful for the amazing friends and family who I left back home. I need to tell my new friends here how much I appreciate our friendships. I need to be the best person I can be at all times...and before I know it I will have exactly what I want. PEACE.
Everyone should find an empty fortune cookie...or use mine as your example. We are set on this earth with a plan laid before us however we have the option to mold our experience to fit our personality completely. It really is in our hands!
Here's to rocking the rest of this semester!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kimmi Bear,
    Before deactivating my FB account yet again I saw that you had a blog and so I clicked on it before deactivating my account yet again! I'm glad I read this...and will keep on doing so!

    Yes, its a VERY good thing you didn't have a fortune. You shouldn't have a piece of paper telling you how you will "be". You'll be dynamic and ANYTHING you wish to just have to believe it...not read it in a fortune.

    Homesickness starting right about now sounds right. The whole hustle and bustle of being in Europe is starting to slow down and now you're live here! So it's ok to be sad but yep, that's why Carol and I take care of you and the you know that everything little thing will be all right (listen to Bob Marley's song 3 little birds...that's what's going on through my head right now).

    We ALL have bad days with teaching...sometimes bad weeks, months and even years. But you're making gains...and sometimes you can't/won't see it academically. It's in things like Amir who was so excited to see you and Carol today that he jumped up and down. That's success!!! And get use to that Kimmi!!!! Embrace that!!!

    We love you much and are soooooo glad you're with us!!!!!!

    Big Hugs and Kisses, Danielle (part of your Germany family)
