Friday, January 27, 2012

The beauty of first grade

Today we were walking back from Host Nation (When students live on post in another country they go to a class called Host Nation. There they learn the language and culture of the country they are living in) one of our boys with Aspergers (who often likes to run away, he makes noises all day long and loves to distract our whole class) was singing in the hallway. His singing is usually just nonsense words but today is was Deeper than the Holler by Randy Travis. And much to our surprise he was a wonderful singing voice. We have always been told that music calms him down but this was a miracle. When Mrs I asked him to sing to our class I wasn't sure he would. But sure enough he sat right up front by her and sang his "favorite song." He was like a totally new boy when he was singing. He is usually unmanageable and often mean to the other students. But as he sang he sat there so peacefully. Singing every word to the song. It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. It quickly reminded me that even when you are frustrated with a child they A) still have the possibility of amazing you at any time and B) EVERY single student has something beautiful to offer to your classroom.
As I head to bed before a teacher inservice day tomorrow (Thank goodness! This was a long week) I will leave you with the lyrics from his favorite song. A song I will never forget and will always be reminded of him when I hear now makes my heart so happy!

Well I've heard those city singers singin 'bout how they can love
Deeper than the oceans higher than the stars above
Well I come from the country and I know I ain't seen it all
But I heard that oceans salty and the stars they sometimes fall
But that would not do justice to the way I feel for you
So I have to sing this song about all the things I knew

My love is deeper that the holler, stronger than the rivers
Higher than the pine trees growin' tall upon the hill
My love is purer than the snowflakes that fall in late December
And honest as a robin on a springtime window sill
And longer than the song of the Whippoorwill

From the backroads to the broadway shows with a million miles between
There's a least a million love songs that people love to sing
And everyone is different and everyone's the same
So this is just another way of sayin' the same thing

My love is deeper that the holler, stronger than the rivers
Higher than the pine trees growin' tall upon the hill
My love is purer than the snowflakes that fall in late December
And honest as a robin on a springtime window sill
And longer than the song of the Whippoorwill

My love is deeper that the holler, stronger than the rivers
Higher than the pine trees growin' tall upon the hill
My love is purer than the snowflakes that fall in late December
And honest as a robin on a springtime window sill
And longer than the song of the Whippoorwill

1 comment:

  1. Kimmi,
    Of course you made me cry! You are already a
    great teacher and realizing that we learn just as much from our students as they do from us! Take care and enjoy every moment.
