Tuesday, January 17, 2012


As we traveled by train to Berlin this weekend I couldn't help but be excited. We were finally getting to travel to yet another new city and see what it had to offer!
Berlin is a huge city....about 3 million people live there. Its so interesting to see the differences in it compared to Heidelberg...not only the size but also the fact that Berlin is so "new" compared to everywhere else I've been. Since it was mostly destroyed by bombing it all had to be rebuilt. However, the things that still stand are absolutely beautiful. We walked, literally, around the entire city I think.
It was amazing to see not only the buildings but the museums were great. We read all about the Berlin Wall, went to a Holocaust memorial (a chilling experience) and the East side Gallery. For pictures check the FB!
As we were coming home today Paul pointed out the window towards a castle...you know just nestled in the middle of some hills...middle of now where Germany. A GAINT castle! It was amazing. These are the things I came to see. Things we never get the chance to see in the United States. The land is just rich with history!
I read a book about Germany and Berlin on the way there and worked on my German. We have the majority of the main phrases down. I hope to use many of them when I get home. I also want to learn enough that I can teach useful phrases to my students some day in a wide variety of languages.
Off to another four day week...I'm not sure what I'm going to do once February hits and we have to go five days a week :)
Tchuss!!! (Bye!)

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